A Prayer on the Baptism of Christ in the River Jordan by John the Baptist


God of all righteousness,
we need the life and grace
that you alone can give. 
Open the heavens to us 
and pour out your Holy Spirit 
so that we may live as your beloved children.

God of all wilderness wanderers, 
you sent John to prepare the way
for Jesus Christ, your beloved son. 
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us 
so that, like John, we may proclaim 
the time to turn from sinfulness 
and the good news of your grace.

Gracious God, in Jesus Christ, 
baptized by John in the Jordan, 
you came to share our life 
and deliver us from sin and death. 
As we are baptized with water 
pour out your Holy Spirit upon us 
to make us your beloved children; 
through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN


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